Imagine what would happen if you didn't care for your teeth regularly. The same basics of dental care also apply to your pet's teeth. Dental disease is the most common disease in dogs and cats! About 85% of dogs and cats have some form of it and are vulnerable to the pain, bad breath and tooth loss that could follow. Chronic infections can spread to the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys, where they can do even more damage. These problems can be avoided by regular dental checkups and provide dental care at home. When plaque and tartar are visibly present on your pet's teeth professional cleaning is needed.
We use modern and safe ultrasonic scaler to clean each tooth thoroughly, above and below the gum line. Whole mouth digital radiographs are taken for a thorough dental evaluation. Radiographs are used to determine the extent of periodontal disease, allowing us to see bone loss, fractured teeth, retained roots, and resorptive lesion of the teeth. Our highly qualified technicians chart each tooth of the patient, clean and polish the teeth to create a smooth tooth surface for more resistance to plaque buildup, and perform fluoride treatments help strengthen enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity.
Oral health is a crucial component of your pet’s health and longevity. Our veterinarians can evaluate your pet’s dental health and make recommendations for necessary anesthetic cleanings. Dental disease in most often located below the gingival (gum) line. To best evaluate the health of the teeth our technicians are trained to perform digital dental radiographs to evaluate the health of the tooth and the roots. This allows the doctors to determine if extractions need to be performed. The teeth will be thoroughly scaled and polished. We offer a dental sealant to prevent calculus buildup that lasts up to 6 months.